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How Was the Water Flood Scene in O Brother Where Art Thou

Beginning of the Mounds Landing, Mississippi, levee breach during the Mississippi River flood of 1927.

Johnny Greenbacks sang virtually it as did enough of Bluesmen over the years. It even had a cameo in a Coen Brothers Movie – O Blood brother Where Art Grand – The Keen Overflowing of 1927. Though it had been edifice and wreaking havoc north of the Magnolia State, information technology broke open on Apr 21, 1927 at Mounds Landing. The flood waters devastated the entire piece meal levee arrangement and put some towns 30 feet underwater. It would exist June and across before the flood wrath subsided.

Today, at the Mississippi Wild animals Heritage Museum in Leland, in that location volition be a photo exhibit commemorating the flood. It begins at 5:30 p.thousand. and the exhibit will be at that place for a month. Check out, http://world wide to find the museum and learn more than. Peter Nimrod, Main Engineer for the Mississippi Levee Lath will be giving opening remarks

The flood would change the unabridged nation. Information technology caused a bully migration of African Americans north to Memphis, Chicago and Detroit and beyond. Equally the comedian, Gallagher used to say about why folks ended up scattered about the land – "It's where their wagon broke down."

Southern civilization through music and food mainly were spread to bigger cities. The blues plant bigger stations and fried food and real bar-b-que plant a wider audience. I'm sure that'south why I've been able to observe grits in u.s.a. I've lived in outside of Mississippi.

It is estimated that more than 800,000 African Americans left the s in the 1920s. New York grew five times larger and cities like Detroit added nearly 160,000 new residents. Some statistics annotation that well-nigh half of the migrants who left Mississippi concluded upwardly in Chicago.

The flood accelerated change that was already beginning. With the invention of tractors and other subcontract implements, the need for more than and more laborers was being reduced. More than 18 million acres of farmland was under water. Of that land, more than 75 per centum was always planted with cotton. The inundation didn't discriminate when information technology came to businesses it ruined. Those in the fur and lumber industries were hit hard as well. The full extent of the inundation loss was put at about a billion dollars nationally – i third of the entire US budget.

Just that was 1927 dollars – many put the loss higher. Information technology would be over one trillion today. That figure included ingather losses, livestock – horses, mules, cattle, hogs and poultry – holding damage to houses, barns, stores and gins. So you add in the infrastructure damage to highways, bridges, railroads and public utilities and the overflowing became even more devastating.

The levee broke in over 145 spots and when the h2o had receded plenty, the Army Corp of Engineers went to work to endeavour to ensure a flood of this magnitude would never happen again. The Overflowing Control Deed of 1928 was passed and the world'south longest system of levees was built. The Flood Control Act of 1936 would start to create reservoirs across the state to assist with flood relief. Sardis Lake – was 1 of the first in 1940 followed by other well-known hot fishing spots such equally Enid, Grenada and Ross Barnett.

Fifty-fifty with the levee system in identify, no one can contain Mother Nature and disastrous floods accept continued in 1973, 1993 and most recently in 2011. None hit the impairment magnitude of 1927 thanks to the levee organisation even though some of the levels have been every bit loftier or higher than 1927.

How high is the water, momma? Hopefully, never that high again…

I'd ever 'preciate your comments hither or over at Facebook or y'all can tweet me @markhstowers…. see yah side by side week!

A Insubordinate, a Statesmen – or Fightin' Okra – and fifty-fifty a Trojan, I'm the Sunflower County subcontract boy with no greenish thumb who longed to live in the big city and got his wish and at present is working his way dorsum to the farm.

A freelance author, middle-of-the-road-conservative and wanna-be fry melt, I await to bring native Mississippi folks and businesses to your attention through my looking glass.

There are those of us that packed upwards Mississippi and took information technology with us to new destinations and neighbors. My expanse code may be 248 but my heart is all virtually 662 with enough of room for the 601. Heck, nosotros'll even saunter into the 228 from time to time.

There's more about me at world wide
