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Urology Funny Cartoons Urology Funny Cartoons Kidney Stone

iv out of 5 urologists...

...olfactory property their apple juice before they drink it.

A man goes to see the urologist...

And the Md says: "Sir, I must tell y'all that you have to terminate masturbating." Shocked, the human asks for what reason. Doctor replies: "Because otherwise I can't examine y'all."

What did the Urologist tell his newly accepted resident?


Urologist joke, What did the Urologist tell his newly accepted resident?

What do you go a man who has everything?

A proficient urologist.

Why don't urologists manus out stickers their patients?

Considering they are always telling them "You're in trouble"

As an urologist I like telling lame jokes to my patients in the clinic

Best function is, they can't say "Cutting it out doc!"

A man has an appointment with a urologist.

The man is sitting on the examination tabular array when the Urologist walks in. The urologist glances at the human being's medical history, makes a few notes and and then says: "Look, I hate to pause it to yous, but y'all have to cease masturbating."

The man frowns and says, "Why, Doc?"

The urologist responds: "So I can examine you."

Urologist joke, A man has an appointment with a urologist.

Why are urologists selfish?

Because they're all about number i

I went to the urologist today

The physician was a stunning, late 20s blue eyed blonde gal.

She said "Sir - stop masturbating."

So I said "Why?"

"So I can examine y'all."

if a fat physician gives y'all a vasectomy, why should you lot ask him near the weather?

because he's a compact urologist!

What did the urologist say to his physician before he hired him?


I'll allow myself out.

Yous can explore urologist checkup reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and y'all will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens tin can tell them clean urologist md dad jokes. There are also urologist puns for kids, 5 twelvemonth olds, boys and girls.

What did the urologist say to his patient who forgot to have his medication?

Urine problem!

What practise you lot call a urologist who accidentally dumps his entire practice'southward supply of Flomax down the drain?

In trouble with his peers.

Why do urologists like UTIs?

It means urine business organization.

The blind circumcisionist

What happened to the blind circumcisionist?

He got the sack!

Don't call back Circumcisionist is a existent give-and-take but information technology sounds ameliorate and so surgeon or urologist.

So I'm about to have a unilateral orchiectomy (true story)...

and I say to the urologist surgeon, "I gauge the ball's in your court at present"

Urologist joke, So I'm about to have a unilateral orchiectomy (true story)...

I took my African American spouse to the urologist...

He told me how to prepare my black wive'southward bladder.

Ran into a Poké urologist today...

He makes Pokémon go.

What's the difference betwixt a weatherman and an overweight doctor that handles the urinary tract?

One's a meteorologist and the other'southward a meaty urologist.

Urologist told me a joke during my vasectomy...

So during my vasectomy information technology was just me and the younger female dr. in the room. She was talking with me to distract me and said y'all want to hear a good vasectomy joke? Of class I said yes, not knowing it was going to go this way.

If a Bluebird has blue babies, a blackbird has black babies, a redbird has red babies, what kind of bird has no babies?

A Swallow!

So I called my urologist...

Receptionist: "Tin you lot hold?"

Me: "No...that'due south why I'thou calling"

I knew a fat doctor one time, who was obsessed with the weather.

He was a meaty urologist.

What practice you call a hamburger that studies the urinary tract?

A Meaty Urologist

What did the chore interviewer say to the urologist afterwards his successful job interview?

Urine, md.

Before Shark week I took my cable box to the urologist

He had a weak stream

I got thrown out of an examination for masturbating

I'll never be able to look my urologist in the middle once again.

The urologist complains to the ventriloquist saying...

"My job sucks, I accept to put my finger upwardly butts all day"

The ventriloquist replies "Oh, yous think yours is tough? Try your whole paw!

What exercise you call a non-religious Urologist?

An backslider feelin' your prostate.

Thanos goes to his urologist.

The urologist says, "Congrats Thanos, you now besides accept the kidney stone"

Why practice men think with their penises instead of their brains?

They adopt to think with an open mind.

(Every bit told to me at piece of work today by my favourite 78 year old urologist)

Ship a picture to my Dermatologist that was meant for my Urologist.

She responded:
"Not to worry, thats only a stuffed. "

Why did the urologist lose his license?

He got in problem with his peers

What did the Urologist shout when she fabricated a medical breakthrough?


Urology joke I fabricated upwards today

What does the the urologist say to the accepted internship applicant?

Ur-ine dadum tss

This shall not pass

Your urologist near you kidney stone

Why did the Scotsman visit the Urologist?

Because he had a wee problem.

I but got a Vasectomy...

The urologist gave me a cup and said I had to fill information technology in 60 days and so bring information technology dorsum for a sperm count. I approximate the surgery doesn't brand a vas deferens right away...

What'southward the difference between a urologist that has been working for ane year and one that has been working for 10?

A vas deferens in experience.

Did you hear about the urologist who got rich doing scrotal lifts for aging men?

He decided to go for the low hanging fruit

The md who checked my prostate looked like he spent v days a week at the gym. So I asked him what the weather was going to do...

...he was clearly a meaty urologist.

I went to see my obese doctor most a burning sensation when i pee.

My morbidly obese doctor gave me medicine and told me on monday there volition be a risk of warm sprinkles with a little bit of precipitate. Tuesday through thursday information technology will cool off and past friday the conditions down there will be clear and normal.

He's quite the meaty urologist.

Jose went to the urologist for an exam...

When he removed his pants the doctor was surprised at what he saw.

"You have two penises!" Said the doctor.

"Aye, I know." Jose replies, "I call the one on the left 'Little Jose.'"

The doctor smiles at the joke, "What near the other one?"

"I call that ane 'Footling Hose B.'

I'm getting a vasectomy tomorrow

I'll tell my urologist she tin start with either side because ultimately it doesn't make a vas deferens.

What did the urologist say when they made a discovery?


Detective Piece of work

A urologist is sitting down to lunch when he gets a call from a NYPD detective. Puzzled, he picks upwardly the telephone and listens as the detective details the fact patterns of a homicide. After most v minutes the detective finishes, re-summarizes the facts, and asks the urologist: "Who exercise you think committed the murder?"

The urologist says "Listen, fella, I think you have the incorrect number. I'm a doctor."

The detective says "Right! So, in urinalysis, who committed the criminal offense?

Meaty Urologist joke

Past the fashion, why are all the weather condition forecasts on television given by meaty urologists?

What do you telephone call a fat medico who can predict the weather?

A meaty urologist.

Why does Dr. Pepper come up in a can?

His wife died.

Credit to Mike Zahalsky, Urologist

What do you lot call a vitrify guy who predicts the weather and can treat a UTI?

A meaty urologist.

BONUS (courtesy of my girlfriend)

What exercise call someone who's bachelor 24/7 and treats cancer?

An always oncologist.

The Optimist says "the glass is one-half full"

The Pessimist says, "NO it's one-half empty!"

The Urologist says, "well it'southward gonna be total shortly!"

The Urophiliac says, "aaaawwww yeah!"

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