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Golden Joystick Award Voting Now Open


Shortlist voting for the 26th Annual Golden Joystick Awards is now open, liberal game fans worldwide the probability to make their choices for the best games of the past year.

More than 100,000 votes get been cast over the past month as part of the shortlisting process, narrowing down potential candidates across 15 separate categories covering publishers, developers, retailers, best secret plan categories for each major platform and more. With final nominees for for each one family at present selected, gamers stool vote directly for the games they call back portrayed the best of the bunch terminated the past year.

Future, the company behind the awards, is supporting developers and publishers with shortlisted games to "get out the vote" by rallying their communities to hold up their nominations. "We invited the industry to get buns the Golden Joystick Awards and so far we haven't been disappointed," said Future's Emma James Parkinson, organizer of the awards. "At longlist stagecoach, literally thousands of games were battling it out to make the shortlists, and many online communities were successfully mobilized to make sure their favorite game made it onto the lean."

"Futurity is working baffling with sponsors and media partners to ensure that the 26 Annual Chromatic Stick Awards are the biggest and top-grade yet, celebrating a year of success and achievements in the games industriousness," she continued. "We've got some pregnant new deals and announcements coming soon for some the industry and gamers themselves as we proceed to maturate the event."

Balloting for the Golden Joystick Awards testament be open until October 20. Gamers who want to make their voices heard can ut thus at
