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What Does It Mean When Your Favorite Color Is Blue

Updated May 21, 2021

Medically Reviewed By: Kelly Kampf


Wondering what it means if blue is your favorite? How does the color blue make you feel in contrast to the color white or the color green? What's your favorite? Is it red, yellow, blue, purple, or green? If you've ever wondered what your favorite says about you, you've come to the right place. In this article, we talk about color psychology, the psychology of color, color definition, and what your favorite says about you. Finally, we delve into the psychological effects of color on emotions, decision-making, mood, and behavior.

Color Psychology, Color Meaning,  And The Psychology Of Color


Color psychology and the psychology of color are interchangeable terms. We use color psychology to learn what colors drive specific emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. With so many colors found in nature — we're surrounded by color everywhere we go. Whether it is the calming feeling we get when the color is blue and exposed to blue skies or soothing ocean waves or the color yellow, which reminds us of warmth, happiness, and the sun, colors are everywhere!

As a result of the daily exposure to the different colors that naturally occur in nature, many people will automatically say that blue is their favorite without putting any thought into it. The study of color psychology looks at the effects that different colors have on human behavior.

Color psychology and the psychology of color studies the meaning of colors and the effects that different colors and shades have on human behavior. Color has a significant impact on emotions and cognitive decision-making when we see a specific color. For example, exposure to the color blue is likely to have a calming and introspective effect.

The opposite example of this is if your favorite is red, you're likely to crave excitement and engage in risk-taking behaviors. Color psychology is used in marketing and psychology to either identify or elicit an emotional response based on a color character quiz and exposure to a specific color for an extended period. (Your answer is likely to align with the particular color definition you are exposed to).

Your Color Personality — What Your Favorite Says About You

Now that you understand how color psychology works, you may have already picked up on the fact that your favorite colors and your color preference speak volumes about you. So, what does the color red actually represent? What does it say about your personality when grey is your color? This section will dive into your color character, including a descriptive breakdown of color definition and what your favorite says about you.


Yellow – According to the psychology of color, if your favorite is yellow, the chances are that you have a sunny disposition. When you choose yellow as your favorite, the color yellow will likely draw people and situations that match your sunny disposition. The color yellow also represents sunshine, which serves as a constant reminder of warmth and peace.

Purple– If your favorite is purple, the color purple has been associated with wealth, royalty, mystery, and wisdom. The color purple occurs naturally in nature and is often affiliated with affluence, esoterics, and spirituality. In the past, members of the royal family were known for wearing the color purple.

Orange – If orange is your favorite, you're attracted to a combination of the color energies of red and yellow. These colors red and the color yellow combined make the color orange. Orange is believed to be an "energetic" color that provides us with a mental boost when we see the color orange. People whose favorite is orange like to express their individuality and make bold statements in fashion and life. (Attention, marketing)

Black – Do you find yourself attracted to the color black? It may surprise you to know that there are many misconceptions about the color black. In the past, the color black has gotten a bad rap and is often affiliated with evil, anti-social behaviors. At the other end of the spectrum, the color black has also been associated with power, mystery, and intrigue—the color definition of black places it squarely in the category of neutral tones. (Neutral colors are black, brown, and green).

Red– If red is your favorite, you probably have a fiery disposition and an explosive personality. Red represents fire, fury, and heat. People attracted to the color red often exhibit fiery personalities and are attracted to a fast lifestyle.


Gray – You may be more on the conservative side If your favorite is gray. The color gray represents a blending of the white and black color mix. The color gray is a neutral color that is often associated with positive aspects. If your favorite is grey, you may find that people see you as "formal" or "sophisticated." The negative aspects of the color gray are often interpreted as dirty or dingy.

Pink – Pink is a combination of white and the color red. When it comes to an understanding your color character, pink is believed to represent femininity, love, and romance. It's no accident that in the past more women wore pink due to its association with femininity. When your favorite is pink, people will likely perceive you as flirtatious, feminine, and friendly. The color pink and the color red are associated with love.

White –  White is associated with innocence, purity, and new beginnings. According to experts, the white has no discernable hue and scatters all of the light reflected outward. This results in the clean and crisp appearance of the white that is in direct contrast to the opposite black color, which absorbs all of the light and reflects all of the hues in the color spectrum all at once.

Green –The color green can represent the natural color of trees found in nature. The color green can be seen as soothing or calming. On the negative side, the color green can represent illness, mental health issues, envy. and greed (as the color relates to money.)

Blue – Blue is a very popular color. Research finds that many people say their favorite is blue. If you look at the natural things around you, you will usually find peace, calm, and introspection in rooms or areas where the dominant color is blue. People whose favorite is blue often exhibit the same characteristics of the color blue (or they may be wishing they could.) The negative aspects of the color blue can represent sadness and feel down in the dumps.


Brown – The color brown is a representation of earth tones and neutral colors that are often soothing. The color brown occurs in nature and can be found in trees, sand, and even skin tones. The color brown represents solidity and steadfastness. If your favorite is brown, many people likely feel like they can depend on you.

Now that you've learned more about the color meaning and what your color character may say about you, how do you feel? Do that the colors that are your favorite and your color character accurately represent who you are as a person? If so, after learning the color definition of the colors that are your favorite, what colors do you think you need to add more of in your life?

The Psychological Effects Of Color On Decision-Making

According to researchers,over 80% of the decisions we make related to buying decisions are based on our interpretation of what colors you dislike (and what colors are your absolute favorite). When people prefer one color over others, this is where "what your favorite says about" you really begin. Each color definition is associated with an accompanying set of moods and behaviors that most of us have when exposed to a particular color.

When it comes to deciding your "color character," color definition plays a critically important role. For example, if you were presented with a series of colors in a color personality test and asked to choose your top three favorite colors, the colors you choose to make up your color character can be analyzed based on the psychology of color. If you choose a black color or red, both of these colors have their individual and combined color definition.

Each color definition has a distinct set of behavioral characteristics that, when combined into a colorful character, can help you express your individuality and speak volumes — without ever saying a word. Psychologists and holistic healing professionals use color psychology as a healing and treatment tool. Marketing is another popular industry where color schemes prevail.

Mental Health Counseling And Color Therapy

Color Therapy is also called "chromotherapy" and is a form of therapy that uses color in light combined with psychotherapy treatments to treat mental health issues. Chromotherapy takes insight learned about color, meaning one step further, and uses specific colors to treat medical and mental health conditions.

For example, someone who has trouble resolving internal issues or anxiety may be exposed to the color blue during a chromotherapy session. People who are having issues standing up for themselves or claiming their personal power may be exposed to orange or red colors. Both of these colors promote excitement and boldness. When used in counseling, holistic therapy, and even marketing, color psychology can be quite powerful.

Have you ever paid close attention to your favorite brand colors? The color definition behind most brand colors is specific to the brand and the user experience they wish to provide. When used in holistic, medical, and psychotherapy, exposure to the colors that correspond to what your body is missing at the time is believed to balance the chakras and body systems. This internal physical balance has the effect of balancing your mental state at the same time.

Whether your favorite is yellow, or if your favorite is purple, or even the color red, the color definition representing your favorites can only provide a glimpse into what may be going on inside your head. If you want to delve more deeply into color character, color definition, and learn what your color preference says about you, contact a professional to get your professional color profile.

Now that you understand what your favorite says about you and how to interpret your color favorite and its meaning, how will you use this information? You've learned that color definition can sometimes correlate to personality and behavior in others. A licensed therapist can help you interpret your favorite color and the meaning behind it. Contact a licensed therapy professional online to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What do favorite colors say about you?

A person's color choice may represent a little about who they are. For example, if a person's favorite color is grey, a mix of black white, it typically symbolizes an association of positive personality traits. Other people may view you as formal or sophisticated, representing a solid mix of colors. On the other hand, a favorite color, blue, usually means that you tend to find peace and calm in color and tend to exhibit those same characteristics, or at least strive to.  Personality traits are not solely based on a favorite color, but color meanings can sometimes carry over into everyday life.

What color best represents your personality?

There are numerous colors, and your personality may match with more than one. Learning and sharing these color meanings may help you understand your own or your friend's personality traits a little deeper. For example, a favorite color, white, is often associated with innocence and purity, people who enjoy new beginnings and journeys. If a person's favorite color is green, their personality traits likely reflect a calming or soothing tone. The color that best represents a person's personality traits is entirely dependent on who that person is and how they act.

What do the 4 personality colors mean?

The four personality colors were introduced to help others understand how different individuals may interact with each other. They are gold, orange, green, and blue. It's worth noting that in some depictions, red replaces orange, and gold is simply yellow. However, going off of the original four, a favorite color of orange typically represents energetic or spontaneous people, gold represents punctual and organized, green represents analytical and intuition, and blue symbolizes empathy and compassion. Those who fall into the category of orange typically tend to be risk-takers and are action-oriented. Those who enjoy gold are typically structured and organized people. Green lovers are problem solvers and innovative thinkers, whereas those who love blue tend to be quite social and collaborative. Personality traits are not solely defined by a color you identify with. Some traits such as emotional security or striving to be the center of attention cannot be determined based on a favorite color.

What does each color symbolize?

There are many different interpretations for the meaning of colors based on different societal views of color. With that said, here are a few common colors along with their symbolized meaning. Red is usually associated with excitement and energy, pink usually stands for love and romance, yellow signifies joy and happiness, blue is associated with peace and tranquility, and green is associated with nature and the environment. A favorite color, purple, typically means people may have personality traits of honor and even a slight arrogance at times. Black color meaning is power, sophistication, and elegance, whereas a black-white color typically symbolizes purity, humility, and cleanliness. Identifying how a person will act based on their color, though, is completely subjective. Somebody who is a long-time center of attention may not exhibit the signs of blue, which symbolizes social people typically.

What is the most visually appealing color?

Typically, the most visually appealing color depends entirely on who is staring at that color. A personality favorite color for somebody maybe blue because they relate to the calming nature of the color. Some people may find green the most appealing for its symbolism of nature. However, red and yellow are two colors that seem to pop and catch the eye of anybody viewing them regardless of personality traits. This is why it's recommended to use these colors when giving a presentation and highlighting key information.

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What Does It Mean When Your Favorite Color Is Blue
